The detailed Periodization

Practical example to enter the periodization data

With the help of a calendar ( take inspiration from the example )

1- mark the date on which you want to start the training cycle Example the 20.08.06 ( red circle)
2 - Mark the date of the competition to which you want to participate Example the 01.12.06 (green circle)
3 - Calculate the number of weeks (microcycles) interspersed Example 15

This period of 15 weekly microcycles, is advisable to divide in 4 mesocycles : two of preparation , one of pre competition and one of compensation.
Each mesocycle is divided in weekly microcycles:

  • The first mesocycle of first preparation (2:1) is developed in 3 microcycles ( blue background) , 2 with load increase alternated with 1 of rash;
  • the second mesocycle of preparation (2:1) is developed in 3 microcycles ( grey background) ,2 with load increase alternated with 1 of ash;
  • the third mesocycle of pre- competition (4:1) is developed in 5 microcycles ( green background), 4 with load increase , alternated with 1 of rash.In this period is indicated to insert some competition test;
  • the fourth mesocycle of competition (3:1) is developed in 4 microcycles (yellow background), three with load increase and 1 of rash the end of which must coincide with the programmed competition.programmata.

How to indicate the data in the form of periodization Get your training

In the form " Request your training" the example above mentioned will be reported as: